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Nine parts we need to check for concrete mixing plant

Nine parts we need to check for ready mixed concrete batching plant 

Before we use concrete materials batching machine, we need to check some more important points, and in this case, we can prevent some fixings during working and make a progress on efficiency and make sure the safe of stuff, well, haomei machinery will give you these nine points:

1.we need to check if the connection of air parts are stable and if it has the third wire to make it stable.

2.During working of concrete batching machine, we need to check if the different parts of this production line works well, and the belt, and also if there is some obstacles on it, if there are some questions, we need to stop the machine and fix.

3.On different parts, we need to ass some butter and we need to dispatch them every one year.

4.To prevent sand, gravel, large rocks and other debris mixed with steel, to ensure the quality of the stones in order to avoid damage to the conveyor belt.

5.The air compressor and pneumatic components should be required to carry out with maintenance.

6.we need to check PLD concrete mixer weighting hopper to see if it works well, and if the sensor or cable has any problems, and if some stones plugged other factors in weighing accuracy.

7.before we use the control parts, the stuff need to read the instruction more carefully and it should be in charged by professional people.

8.we must pay more attention to materials batching machine’s accuracy, it also should be symmetrical in every once in a while (a day or a few days) with cement or person (known weight) to the school is accurate.

9.Before we start up the parts of ingredients, we need to promise that the hopper is empty. And if it is empty , you can simply turn it to manual mode. And if it isn’t, we need to make the hopper be empty with manual type.


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