Concrete batch plant powder silo checking
concrete batching plant powder silo checking
ready mixed concrete batching plant in the course of the powder compartment will encounter many problems, silo blockage, for example to manually repair, you need to open a bunker manhole cone bottom, so you can go repair manual.
When opening a number of issues, we need to be attention
1. Overhaul where the problem mouth, for example, to open the mouth, where it usually mixing station at a distance of first paragraph refers to the bottom of the vertebral body to do.
2. The concrete batching plant manhole area, if it is an opening in the powder compartment vertebrae, usually in the almost 350 * 350, you can also around 400 * 400, or directly in the mixing station vertebral open a hole, Also to note is easy: easy on the cone material storage, sealing is required, shall not leak ash and water if you want to open in the vertebral body, then sealing work must be good. Manually enter maintenance.
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